Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hunting Season

It has officially started. Todd has spent the past several weekends scouting the woods, checking the photos and video on his field cameras and has spent every evening this past week gathering up his hunting equipment and clothes (washing them in detergent so they smell like dirt). I sit back every year and wonder how on earth someone can get so excited about dressing in such drab colors to sit in a tree for hour upon hour with nothing to do but wait. Secretly, I know this is when he catches up on all the sleep he has missed the past 11 months. Anyway, Todd and Aaron are "hunting deer" this weekend. Aaron was in charge of food and cleaning supplies for the camper. Todd was in charge of mice traps and the entertainment. Which I hope does not involve the traps! I heard Todd leave about 4 a.m. as the rain was pouring down. Some women are golf widows.........

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