Sunday, November 20, 2011

It Is Basketball Season

Today was opening day for the CYO season for the Tigers. With Todd coaching the 56A team he began pacing early this morning. The team played a great game but finished two points short to win the game. TJ is still on restriction for his elbow injury but managed to play left handed for the final 4:29 of the game. After sitting the bench the last 5 games of his IBA travel team, those four minutes were good for his mental health! He loves the game. GO TIGERS!

Chess Club 2011

TJ was one of three 6th graders who continued with chess this year. They added a 5th grade girl to form a 6th grade and under team. The Club has 35 chess players and many looked to TJ for guidance. It is fun to see the 1st and 2nd graders asking him questions about the game and he patiently explaining the moves to them. The team finished second in the league and first in the CYO championship match. TJ earned a gold medal and was awarded the Christian Attitude Award.

Indy's Super Cure

Three More Weeks

TJ's elbow is healing and physical therapy is going well but the Doctor is restricting TJ's sports for another three weeks. Not sure who is more disappointed...TJ, his dad, his papa, his travel basketball coach or his baseball coach.

CCH Conference 2011

I recently attended the annual CCH conference with some co-workers. This year the event was hosted in San Antonio. I planned my trip to catch some sunrays before being locked in air conditioned ballrooms from sun up to sun down but the weather failed to cooperate. So I ended spending the afternoon in the hotel bar surrounded by Cowboy fans watching the Colts lose to the Falcons on one little TV that I talked the bartender into switching to the game! One evening they treated the attendees to an evening at local ranch where there were long horns to ride, armidillos to race, and a rodeo to watch. All in all the conference was Great. I always leave the 4 day event with lots of ideas and great best practices to use at Somerset.