Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

We wish you health and happiness throughout 2009!
TJ is banging pots and pans at midnight.

Monday, December 29, 2008


Well....Doc is going to zap my kidney stones on the 8th. The procedure was scheduled for the 22nd but I called and politely asked to be moved up on the calendar. I have stones in both kidneys but the ones on the right seem to be gypsies and on the move. I have one that is on a one way trip out and I have to say it is a painful journey. It seems to stop and rest along the way - I just wish it would get to it's destination. I will not miss it. Vicadin is my friend. Anyway, they will smash the ones on my right side into little pebbles with sonic waves or something like that to make their trips easier then they will go after the ones on my left in a few months before they decide to become nomads as well. Bon Voyage! Hef

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Colts Win!

Todd and his friend, Aaron along with TJ and his friend, Will attended the Colts game today while I searched for 75% off holiday wrapping paper and decorations. I spent $18.87 and restocked my tubs. I love sales and plastic tubs.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Celebration Continues

Today we enjoyed Christmas with the Bruces. My Mom has been very ill the past several weeks so it was nice to have everyone together. TJ once again was spoiled by all. He even received an electric guitar. So those of you that have enjoyed his piano Christmas CD this year - watch out - there may be a guitar solo included next year! Hef

P.S. Happy Birthday to our friend - J'Sto.

Merry Christmas

Mann/Mokrzecki Family Christmas 2008
We are in the midst of our Christmas celebrations. Todd and TJ spent Christmas Eve in Columbus visiting with Todd's uncle and cousin visiting from Massachusettes.

TJ allowed us to sleep in Christmas morning until 7 a.m. I hope this is a trend that continues into his teen years! We enjoyed opening presents. TJ did a great job shopping for Todd and I at the school's secret santa shop. It is obvious that he put a lot of thought into each gift. Santa delivered TJ's precious Ipod Touch. He is now completely tuned out listening (and singing) to tunes while he plays his video games! Santa and I are going to have a talk before Trevor sits on his lap next year!

After cooking our annual breakfast we ventured to Columbus to share the day with Todd's family at his brother and sister-in-law's home. It is wonderful that they host family events! It was a very nice day!

Each of the kids received gifts that lit up their faces. The youngest, our nephew, Ethan recieved a batman cave toy that was "the best gift ever", Tyler and TJ both were in video game heaven and Todd, TJ and I surprised the oldest, Devin with a combo birthday (February)/Christmas gift - an Ipod Touch. Something he also really wanted!

Just check out the looks of surprise on their faces!

Today we plan to spend the afternoon with my brother, his girlfriend, Jennifer, my grandmother and my parents in Martinsville to celebrate the holiday! My cousin, Jaime is also here visiting before she relocates to San Francisco. It has been nice having her close (Chicago) so she can join us for family gatherings but now we will have an easy excuse to go west!
We hope everyone had a Very Merry Christmas!
Love, The Mann Family

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

AHHH....The Annual School Christmas Program

TJ's school does it right. The annual Christmas Program is partitioned into two segments. The first is kindergarten through fourth grade with the fourth graders starring in the speaking parts. Then after a quick 45 minutes (which is fantastic because it is standing room only in the gym) we are out of there and the fifth grade through eigth grade take center stage for singing and band performances. TJ and his 3rd grade class did a fanstastic job. TJ was still singing the songs in the shower before bed. Next year we will have to arrive 45 minutes early to get a front row seat so we can have a photo where he is not a dot in the cast. Merry Christmas Everyone!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Cookies & Milk 2008


Marcus & Ashley


Sarah & Blake

TJ and his school pet "Jeffrey"
The above are just a few photos of the friends that were able to attend Cookies & Milk with Santa. Merry Christmas Everyone!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Mike & Mitch McGuire

Before Melissa and I ventured to George's Neighborhood Grill for a beer to watch the Colts win game #9, we volunteered at the Boys & Girls Club with our friend, Mike and his brother Mitch who host a Christmas Party annually (15th year, we believe) for 30 to 40 school age children in need. A group goes shopping purchasing 4 gifts for each child (3 for the party and one to open at home Christmas morning) and another group gets together to wrap them - hoping everything is in nice square boxes :) I have learned to take bags just in case. It is a nice way to kick off the holiday season. Mitch finances the event and Mike has a personal connection with Santa who makes an annual appearance. They have hearts the size of Indiana! Happy Holidays! Hef

Friday, December 5, 2008


We spent Friday night at Wal-mart shopping for a family in need. This year, we sponsored a family through the United Christmas Service. We asked to be matched with a family with a 9 year old boy. We gave TJ $100 to spend on the young man. He did a great job selecting a wide range of toys and some clothes. We finished off the shopping with a few items for the boy's mom and appliances for their home. It feels good to give to others this time of year. Happy Holidays to you! Hef

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Camping 3rd Grade Style

The entire third grade class went camping this week. There were two cabins of boys and several "DADS" went along as chaperones. I thought it was a little insane to take 40+ 8 & 9 year olds camping in 29 degree weather but whatever. So, I packed his bag....long johns, sweatshirts, long warm socks, several pair of pants, long sleeve shirts, undershirt, scarf, gloves, and hat. I packed his toothbrush and paste along with a washcloth. The washcloth came back unused as did the toothbrush. My son informed me he froze....because he did not wear any of the above mentioned "warm" clothes. I completely blame this on the "dad" factor. If moms had chaperoned the boys teeth would have been brushed, their faces washed and they would have been complaining that they were sweating under the layers and layers of clothing we would have made them wear. But.........they had a GREAT time.