Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tigers vs. Cardinals

Despite a low grade fever the night before and extreme congestion TJ joined his football team this afternoon to challenge SLDM. Tigers lost 7-13 but it was a good game.

TJ on the carry!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Needs New Tires

8 a.m. telephone call from IMPD Dispatch:
Is this Mr. Mann?
Do you own a 2008 Chev Avalanche?
Yes, it is in the driveway.
No sir, I do not believe it is.

And that is how we spent our Saturday morning...completing police report, determining how they towed it from our driveway to a few streets away to swipe the tires and rims, and then get tires/rims put back on to relocate it to the body shop for repairs!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Flag Football

Yesterday we were able to watch our nephew, Ethan play his final flag football game of the season! They won!

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Trumpet

He joined the band. I need not say more. Asking for earplugs for Christmas.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Touchdown by TJ Mann

The Tigers played their first game of the 2010 season against St. Simon. TJ caught a 15 yard pass and ran 40+ yards to score for the Tigers! Unfortunately, the Tigers lost 6 to 21.

Above is a photo of TJ's catch as well as the clothesline play that was flagged for roughing the kicker. TJ took this one for the team to be awarded the first down. Here is a photo of TJ being tripped up on defense! He says this is a super duper push up!TJ played safety, tightend and punter! Despite the loss, we are very proud of #11 and his teammates!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

42 Years and Counting

My birthday celebration just keeps going........
On Sunday, Cindy had baked me a red velvet cake to enjoy while in KY. On Tuesday, I arrived at the office to find "Dense Ass Brownies" from Vicki on my desk. And the Sugar Rush Begins! I received the above flowers from my favorite guys.
Steve, Pat and Brooke spoiled me with gift cards & the Admin Team gave me a basket full of liquor. Either they know my social habits or they plan to drive me to drink (more).
Todd fixed dinner and my brother joined us following TJ's football practice.
Then today, the BFFBs enjoyed lunch at Bennihanas! The food and service was great. Melissa baked a cake from scratch. It was so delicious that I put it in my car following lunch so I did not have to share it with co-workers! I also received many phone calls from family and friends and the facebook wishes are many! I hope my 84th birthday is just as good!

Labor Day Weekend

Again this year, TJ joined Bill, Diana, and Devin for a weekend in Tennessee. His Labor Day Flu kicked in Thursday and we promptly called him in sick to school on Friday. He had a fabulous time and spent many hours being pulled behind the boats on the inner tubes. While he went southeast, Todd and I went southwest and joined 11 others for the weekend at Pat and Kirstine's lakehouse in KY. They have 600 fenced acres which includes a 50 acre private lake. It is a fun weekend with great friends. They have been doing this annual trip for 16 years. Todd and I have been invited to go along the past 6 years. In years past the group went on a houseboat at Dale Hollow but changed things up 3 years ago. Hope we are invited again next year!