Monday, September 21, 2009


My good friend Jennifer and her husband Eric traveled to China in coordination with Eric completing his MBA leaving behind their precious daughters ages 3 and 2. The BFFB pitched in with kid duty on the weekends to give Jennifer's cousin and his wife a chance to relax (who were watching them during the week). Lauren and Vicki took the first weekend which Melissa and I thought could be good or bad for us. We hoped that by the 2nd weekend, Maya and Darby would be over the fact that Mom & Dad were 1/2 way across the world but we also worried that the juggling of caregivers might be too much for them by the 2nd weekend as well. Anyway, Melissa and I took charge Friday evening. During the course of the weekend, we painted nails, read books, cheered on TJ's football team as well as his basketball team, watched Noggin, played with Sabrina (Melissa's new dog), collected acorns in the yard, played kitchen, colored, we fed them, we bathed them (one each night), figured out how to do pig-tails (a first for me) and generally got our fill of PINK! It was a fun but very exhausting weekend. You forget how busy they can be 24/7 at that age.

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