Saturday, June 20, 2009

Skiles Test Rookies Final Games

My final week as President of the Skiles Test Youth Baseball League began today. I will miss it greatly but it is time to pass the torch. I enjoy watching the games at each level of play but I must admit the Rookies are my favorite. The games are long and boring to those that are really into baseball but I just love to watch the kids as they learn to run to first base not third, to throw the ball to another player not just jump up and down in excitement that they have it in their hand and the smiles from ear to ear when they make contact with the bat and do not use the Tee. Today, the Rookies played their final games of the 2009 season. Here is a photo of just one of my favorite Rookie Players (Nick with his dad, Dave) and the only thing more popular with the players than their beloved concession stand ticket!

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