Thursday, December 4, 2008

Camping 3rd Grade Style

The entire third grade class went camping this week. There were two cabins of boys and several "DADS" went along as chaperones. I thought it was a little insane to take 40+ 8 & 9 year olds camping in 29 degree weather but whatever. So, I packed his bag....long johns, sweatshirts, long warm socks, several pair of pants, long sleeve shirts, undershirt, scarf, gloves, and hat. I packed his toothbrush and paste along with a washcloth. The washcloth came back unused as did the toothbrush. My son informed me he froze....because he did not wear any of the above mentioned "warm" clothes. I completely blame this on the "dad" factor. If moms had chaperoned the boys teeth would have been brushed, their faces washed and they would have been complaining that they were sweating under the layers and layers of clothing we would have made them wear. But.........they had a GREAT time.

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