First, TJ rejoined the Aztec Basketball Team for a late summer session on the Court. They played thier first game on Sunday losing a physically rough game 50-53. TJ scored 13 points!
TJ received his football jersey last night. He was very excited to announce he is #81. GO TIGERS. They have scrimmage matches Saturday morning against the two St. Luke teams and Immaculate Heart. Then he and Todd are racing to Chicago to a Cubs game. TJ is already analyzing what souvineer he wants.
Tonight was Back to School night. We visited TJ's classroom and met his teacher, Mrs. Zinkan. She previously taught 2nd grade for 16 years but chose this year to be challenged with the 4th graders! Perhaps she suffers from amnesia since she had most of them two years ago!!!! Not sure what she is thinking.
Tomorrow is another full day for the Mann Family (school, work, practice and homework).
TJ started his piano lessons last Friday. His lessons are weekly and he still enjoys them. Bonus!
Then it is the weekend - perhaps I will rest during the day while the boys venture to Chicago between loads of laundry, bathing the dog, paying bills and updating facebook!